Previous Saturn campaigns

CCampaign 2002-2003

Saturn image resulting of combining 200 DCT selected*  raws with Registax

with wavelet 1 27 5 18 1 1. Colors with PSP.

TSC LX200 10" equatorial mount, 3x Barlow Televue, IRB filter, Vesta Pro

on auto 5ima/s, Astrosnap mode DCT and "flux"

Monday 7 10 02 4-6H UT

*Astrosnap DCT function based on JPG compression algo saves only the images above a said quality !
Below example of one DCT selected raw image !

Acquisition :

Decembre 14th 2000
wind turning from SW to NW, good seeing.
After treatment of an .avi film (576Mo, 1310 images)
taken from 23h37m45s to23h39m56s,
Celestron 8 (2h3à outside for temperature equilibrium, collimation on Aldebaran, Airy disk visible by moments) + 3x Televue Barlow
Vesta Pro at 10 images/sec, mode 640*480, capture mode 3/s
gamma 100%, luminosity 100%, contrast 50%
Auto gain until saturation, then manual,
gain 90%, color balance on fluo lightning.
Below raw image unprocessed.

Image processing :

Crop at 1cm around the planet with Aviedit and saving of a new uncompressed avi,
registration without selectionsans of the 1310 images with Avi2bmp,
tolerance auto, simple image mode, margins 15 pixels, Kappa-Sigma 4,
resulting image (below in JPG compression 1 - best quality) in Avi2bmp, sauved as .bmp

image re-opened in Paint Shop Pro 6 (PSP6°
Resized 200%, unsharp mask parameters 4, 500, 0, resized 50%,
a few cycles of  " borders accentuation, soften" stoping before the noise increases,
saturation +50% then setting of the color balance get near a white B ring.
gamma & luminosity for a satisfying aspect
taking care not to reduce the size of the A ring with to much darkening,
pipette at 3mm of the external ring, selection with an ellipse 1 mm arround the A ring,
new file 1000*1000 with pipette background, glue of the selection (Ctrl-L),
right rotation 35°, final croping to respect the photograpic 1/3 rule.


Sep 15, 2000   5H01 UT+, T 6°C, good seeing
SCT Black Celestron 8" on SP-DX mount, 3x Televue Barlow, Philips Vesta Pro Webcam
96 selected images combined

Oct 7, 1999, 0H59 TU, T 5°, good seeing
SCT Black Celestron 8" on SP-DX mount, 3x Televue Barlow, Logitech Quickcam VC
30 selected images combined

Softwares used for processing :

Avi2bmp, http://avi2bmp.free.fr (Emmanuel Depigny),

AVIEDIT, http://milukov.webjump.com/ (Alexander Milukov).

MaximDL demo & Paint Shop Pro 6

Saturn and four satellites

Texts and images of this web site all Copyright S. Weiller, 1999-2011

Permission granted  to copy them only for non commercial use