The PARALLEL 3D vision technique (//)

Updated Jan 31th, 2000 

The Parallel protocol and images :


Your GOAL, a beautiful Alps scenery giving an intense 3D sensation up to 30 Km !


In // 3D vision the images are placed like this : the right image on the right, the left one on the left.

Second // IMAGES : This is the image you will train your eyes and brain on. Either the two red dots or the bars will help you. Look at the next images and explanations below then come back to try by yourself. When you are satisfied you can gaze at the first image ... and all images - in small size - displayed for 3D-// vision. Try protocol I or II until success !

PROTOCOL I) Put you nose almost against the screen on the white vertical bar. You will see two red dots on top of a blurred image. stay there and try to fuse them as much as you can by looking at them, then below them and so on. When you have succeded move away from the screen not changing your vision as almost sleeping. The 3D picture should come into focus by itself.


PROTOCOL II) Put you nose almost against the screen just in between the two white vertical bars. You will see (maybe even only) a single blurred vertical bar.

Note : If you don't see it you will have to copy this image in any paint program and move the bars closer or farther from each other depending of the separation of your eyes until you succeed.

When you have succeded move away from the screen looking at the bar not changing your vision as almost sleeping until this it is in perfect focus. Just below it you should see the 3D picture !


BRAVO ! Parallel 3D-vision has no more secrets for you !  Enjoy  (:-))

As a gift for your new success try this incredible high resolution 3D shot of Orsay's storm



Reminder :

Texts and images of this web site all Copyright S. Weiller, 1999, 2006