How to make an H-Alpha picture of the Sun

showing disk features and prominences for fast (10 min) Internet sharing ...


Needed :

Photo tripod
APS-C camera
a suitable barlow (I use an AC55, 1.6x)

Softwares : RegiStax 5,6

Note : Click on small images for larger !

Captures :

I get best results with the following exposure :
1/50 s & ISO 2500

I center the Sun and I
take about 5 pictures quickly to be able to eliminate dust specs by Sun displacement
(making a flat is all but possible !)


Processing :

It looks overexposed but I use mainly the green layer.
RAW files are converted to TIFF format for compatibility.

Open RegiStax and input the files ...
Align using Center of Gravity, stack ...


No more dust specs on the disk !
Now apply in Wv page the following settings !

Adjust gamma and you are done ...
Disk structures and prominences are correctly visible ...

Save image and share it :)